Property managers and landlords may use the Lease Amendment Concerning Tenant Change (TXR 2211) to add or remove tenants from the residential lease. The form includes spaces to note the property address, effective date, changes to the security deposit, date the former tenant will relinquish keys and access devices, whether landlord is releasing previous tenants from liability under the lease, and any money owed to the landlord by the remaining tenants. The form requires that all previous and remaining tenants sign. Lease Amendment Concerning Tenant Change can be used in residential transactions and is one of 140 forms exclusively available to members of Texas REALTORS®.

Good information!
Excellent information . Thank you
Is there a place the Realtor can get a commission by providing the form and filling it out. This can be a real hardship getting them all to sign and keeping new prospective tenants out before filling out an application and being approved by the tenants but not the landlord. I’m sure this’ll change with new laws as well.